It’s not often we encounter someone who’s never had a skin care treatment before, and once we found out that our new receptionist, Grace, had never had a single treatment, we treated her to her very first Barris Signature Facial and decided we’d share her thoughts on skincare with you after. Here’s what Grace had to say about skincare for teens and her own skincare concerns and solutions:
1. How old are you? Have you had any other skin care treatments done before?
I am 16 years old and I’ve never had any skin care treatments before. This Signature Facial with extractions is my very first treatment!
2. What did you think of Barris’ Signature Facial? Would you recommend it to others?
It was my first time having extractions done, and those hurt a little, but the pain was tolerable and the results definitely worth it! Also, the pain was short lived and shortly after the pampering continued. After the facial my skin felt very glowy, and I noticed that the bumps I have on my skin went away. I would definitely recommend the signature facial, especially to those who are acne prone since it really clears out your pores. The facial also didn’t make me break out like more other facials I’ve heard about.
3. How did you feel afterwards? Did you notice any changes in your skin in the following days?
I felt refreshed and relaxed after the facial. A couple days later, I noticed that my skin looked fresh and still glowy, and it also felt really clean from the extractions.
4. What do you think is the biggest skin care concern for teens today?
The biggest concern, especially among my friends, seems to be acne and breakouts.
5. What piece of advice do you have for teens who are struggling with skin care?
I would definitely recommend that they get a facial with extractions to help clear pores, ideally once a month. I’d also recommend drinking a lot of water to flush things out and starting a daily skin care routine to tackle whatever skin care problems they have.
6. Do you have a skin care routine, and if so, what does it involve?
Yes, I do. My skin care routine starts with baby wipes as a pre-cleanse. Then, I cleanse my skin and moisturize with a mix of the Vital C Hydrating Repair Creme and the Prevention Plus Daily Matte Moisturizer SPF32. I have combination skin, so the Vital C creme definitely helps balance out my dryness. Another thing that helps is the fact that I only cleanse my skin at night, which helps my skin retain moisture, crucial in this dry Colorado weather.
7. Is the idea of having a skin care routine overwhelming to you, or to your friends?
I don’t find it overwhelming, and it really shouldn’t feel overwhelming- I firmly believe that while you’re young, you should take care of your skin.
All my friends have pretty bad acne, so they all have a skin care routine they follow as well. They are overwhelmed with the current condition of their skin, but not with their daily skincare routine.