Most of us know by now that yoga is very therapeutic for your body and your mind.  But many do not know that yoga is also very therapeutic for your skin organ.  The following poses are suggested to help you get that glowing skin that most of us long for:

Uttanasa or forward fold is an inversion pose:  This means that the blood, lymph and other body fluids now flow towards your head which helps supply a rich and fresh supply of nutrients to your facial skin.  As with all inversions, be sure to come up and out of the posture slowly so as to stabilize blood pressure.’

Downward Facing Dog Pose:  Also an inversion of sorts because your heart is lower than your heart, this gives you many of the benefits of the forward fold but also adds the benefits of strengthening your shoulders, back, triceps, pecs and forearms.  With a toned and sculpted upper body, the skin on your neck and face benefit by becoming more firm and less saggy as well.

Legs up the wall pose:  With all of the same benefits as an inversion but with none of the strength and technique required, this posture is a restorative pose that has the added benefits of relaxation…i.e. all of the strained and stressed muscles of your face can let go and soften.  This brings us to our final suggested pose;

Sukasana or comfort pose:  A seated pose frequently used for meditation, it’s almost a cross legged pose but more comfortable.  One foot and ankle is place in front of the other with knees out to the side as they would be in a cross legged posture.  Make sure that you’re sitting tall on your sits bones – a blanket or a block is helpful if your hamstrings and or low back and hips are tight.  Close your eyes, listen to your breath, clear your mind and enjoy the feeling of letting go of any tension in the body, especially your face and neck.

There are a multitude of yoga postures that can and do help your skin.  These four are a good place to start.

by Barb Beard Passalacqua  Certified Advanced Rolfing Practitioner and RYT Yoga Instructor in Boulder, CO