Image’s Vital C Line: Hydrating your Skin and Making Oranges Everywhere Jealous


Doctor's have recommended patients to get a daily dose of Vitamin C for years, that's no news. But recently, the vitamin that's so good for your body, is in so many beauty products it can leave one feeling a little dizzy. Image skincare made sure to jump right in the bandwagon and released their own [...]

Image’s Vital C Line: Hydrating your Skin and Making Oranges Everywhere Jealous2016-10-17T10:54:50-06:00

How to Give the Perfect Gift


Santa may be just around the corner with his sleigh filled with gifts to give to your loved ones, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook! With the holidays comes that nagging question: What will I get ____ (insert your loved one's name(s) here)____ this Christmas? And sure, while a pair of socks will [...]

How to Give the Perfect Gift2016-10-17T10:54:51-06:00

The Connection Between Acne and Stress


The factors that contribute to acne can range anywhere from oily clogged pores to a build up of dead skin cells. However, the causes that aggravate acne usually stem from hormonal changes, diet and certain medications. But what about stress? Although it hasn't ben medically proven, there is a connection between stress and acne. According to [...]

The Connection Between Acne and Stress2016-10-17T10:54:54-06:00
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