Sure, you’ve heard about Botox before, but do you know about it’s cheaper and longer lasting alternative, Dysport (pronounced diss-port)?  Although they are both medications injected into the muscle to target fine lines and wrinkles, there are certainly some differences between them you may not be aware of. Like two different brands of cereals, they both satisfy your hunger for younger looking skin, but everyone has a preference. To help you in making a decision between the two, we broke it all down into one simple table. So what is the difference between Dysport and Botox?


Both Dysport and Botox are medications injected into the muscle to temporarily weaken it.

Both take the crinkles out of crow’s feet and smooth expression lines between the brows and on the forehead.

INGREDIENTS Both Dysport and Botox are made from Botulinum Toxin Type A.  
PAIN No pain is felt during the procedure. Slight pain may be felt at injection site after treatment. Treatment doesn’t cause pain. Slight numbness and pain may be felt after the procedure.
NUMBER OF TREATMENTS NEEDED Each session is about an hour long. You will need to follow up every few months to maintain desired results. Same as Dysport, except that sometimes Botox can wear off slightly sooner in some people. Others might see results for up to six months.
EXPECTED RESULTS Results are temporary and last between three and four months at a time. You may start seeing improvements within a couple of days. Botox can take longer to take effect with an average of one week to one month after your session. The results are also temporary, lasting a few months at a time.
NONCANDIDATES People who have milk allergies and take certain medications used for muscle spasms. Not recommended for women who are pregnant. Women who are pregnant and people who take certain medications for muscle spasticity.
RECOVERY TIME Little to no recovery time needed. Little to no recovery time needed.


Dysport vs. Botox – Average Units Needed DYSPORT BOTOX
Forehead 20-26 10-13
Crow’s Feet 20-24 10-12
Upper Lip 10-12 5-6
Frown 30-50 15-25


Ready to give Dysport a try? Book an appointment online, here!