Although there are some spas just for men, you certainly don’t have to head to an all-male spa to find effective AND enjoyable treatments right here at Barris Laser & Skincare. We know that today’s modern man is often stressed and on the run, but he also has nothing to fear and everything to gain from a visit to the spa. That’s why we cater to men in general with our classy yet understated treatments that will definitely do some positive good without overwhelming them with candles and scents.
Shopping for the man in your life? Start with the following two Spa Treatments for Men, which are sure to indulge your beau without overwhelming him:
Facials are a good first treatment for those who are nervous about the whole spa experience because they don’t require a lot of undressing, they are extremely relaxing, they can be customized to your man’s needs, and last but not least, they are very effective! Especially since men tend to use fewer products on a daily basis, a thorough facial can have more dramatic results, and you better believe your guy will be glad to walk out of the spa enjoying the feel and look of his skin!
Who doesn’t love a massage? Massages are always going to be a popular spa treatment for all because of their obvious, recognizable physical purpose. We all feel that odd nagging muscular ache or twinge from time to time and a good massage can get right to the root of these problems and leave you physically and mentally in your happy place after. Want to see your man feel relaxed and in control of his body again? Gift him a massage! The “rougher” the treatment, the more relaxed he’ll feel afterwards.