Spring is on its way, which means we’ll be showing a lot more skin in a matter of weeks. With shorter hemlines, sleeveless silhouettes, deep-V necklines, and bright sunlight on the horizon, you might be looking into ways to make your skin look younger and firmer.
Radio Frequency Microneedling involves the use of a hand held device fitted with tiny micro needles energized by radio frequency. This unique combination of radio waves and micro needling stimulates the production of – you guessed it – collagen.

We all know by now the importance of collagen. It’s this – or should I say lack of this – which results in the sallow, sagging appearance of the skin. Once we hit 25, our collagen levels deplete at a rapid rate resulting in significant volume loss.

What is Radio Frequency Microneedling?

When it comes to rejuvenating skin, Radio Frequency Microneedling is the most advanced treatment on the market for refreshing the skin on areas of your face, neck, chest, and body. This minimally invasive procedure combines microneedling and focused radio frequency to improve the texture of your skin. The procedure works by emitting heat into the dermis, which triggers the skin’s natural healing process. The result is skin that looks visibly revitalized and renewed, with improved elasticity.

Radio Frequency Microneedling functions in three ways:

The procedure works by stimulating your own body’s collagen renewal process, using RF (radio frequency) technology that penetrates and heats deep beneath your skin. Because each patient is different, we may need to customize your procedure to meet your goals. This may involve multiple sessions over the course of several weeks. The most important thing to understand about laser skin tightening treatments is that high concentration of radio frequencies are the only way to penetrate deep enough in the dermal layer of the skin to actually stimulate the collagen for cell growth and eventual tightening.

  1. Reduce – Whether you have wrinkles, enlarged pores, or acne scars, Radio Frequency Microneedling works quickly to reduce these unwanted skin blemishes.
  2. Rejuvenate – By encouraging the skin’s natural healing properties, collagen and elastin will begin to form which will rejuvenate your face and neck for a younger appearance.
  3. Remodel – The combination of reducing and rejuvenating the skin on your face and neck will actively remodel your appearance to one of youth and vibrancy.


Radio Frequency Microneedling is safe for any skin color or ethnicity, and can provide excellent results for both men and women. An ideal candidate for Radio Frequency Microneedling will understand the radiofrequency procedure and hold realistic expectations for their final results. Prior to treatment, a consultation will be scheduled to determine if Radio Frequency Microneedling is right for your unique needs.
The exact length of an treatment will depend on the individual patient, the target area, and the extent of correction desired. Most treatments take from 60 minutes to complete.
Some clients will notice immediate skin tightening results from their Radio Frequency Microneedling treatment. However, optimal results will take several weeks, as the body’s production of collagen slowly improves.
Radio Frequency Microneedling is considered a safe and effective treatment. As Radio Frequency Microneedling does not require any incisions, there is almost no risk for side-effects or complications.
If you find yourself heading for the door at the mention of needles, fret not. You will be pleased to know that numbing cream is used on your face first.

Most patients elect to take the evening off from social activities. You should feel comfortable to return to normal social activities no later than 48 hours post-treatment, without anyone knowing you’ve had a procedure.

We recommend generous use of sunscreen as the skin is recuperating and is more susceptible to sunburn immediately after the procedure.