Remember as the seasons change, so does your skin. Update your Skincare Routine for Fall by incorporating regular gentle exfoliation to remove the dead skin cells from the season before, allowing your new Fall skin care ingredients to have better absorption. The glow starts now! Unsure of where to start? We have broken down exactly what to do to overhaul your regime. From what products to use to what foods you should eat, you’ll find everything you need for a healthier complexion.

Start Early — and Be Consistent

It takes four to six weeks for the results of a new skincare routine to start showing up on your face. Carefully select products that will work for your skin type, and most importantly, keep using them. Consistency is the key in order to achieve improvement in your skin.

Mind Your Diet

A good skincare routine should be used in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet rich in leafy greens, low in sugar, and low in processed foods.

Take It All Off

No matter how many parties you’re going to, always remember to take off your makeup before bed. For best results, wash your face with a gentle cleanser like IMAGE Skincare’s Ageless Total Facial Cleanser. This will help prevent dirt and makeup from clogging your pores.

Scrub Away the Day

Stay away from products promoting “beads” and other scrubbers, as these can damage skin. Use a gentle scrub like IMAGE Skincare’s Iluma Intense Brightening Exfoliating Powder 2-3 times a week to slough away dead skin cells and prevent them from clogging your pores.

Professional Treatments

Nothing you can do at home will ever beat going to a professional for a treatment. Peels and Microderms both offer exfoliation coupled with moisturizing and nourishing treatments.

Put On a Mask

Investing in a quality, rich moisturizing mask is a MUST in the Fall as you prepare for the colder months ahead. IMAGE Skincare’s Vital C line is a great go-to if you’re looking for a hydrating product that is gentle and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and redness-prone skin.

Try Out Hyaluronic Acid

We are huge fans of one ingredient that too many young people are overlooking: hyaluronic acid. Boost your moisture game with Image Skincare’s Total Pure Hyaluronic Filler. It’s super hydrating, has anti-aging properties, and plumps the skin.

Don’t forget your SPF

Sure, Summer is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean you can toss your SPF aside! Even if temperatures are lower this time of year, too much sun will lead to wrinkles, sun spots and damage.