After months of snow, slush, and frigid temperatures, spring is finally on the horizon. Winter has left the building (well, almost), taking with it our dreary moods and dry, itchy skin. Warmer air and increased humidity mean our skin is about to be in for a shock.

Here are our top 5 beauty tips for transitioning your skincare routine for spring.

1. Spring clean your cabinets

After the many months hibernating in the warmth of our cosy homes, it’s time to spring clean! Begin with decluttering and re-organizing your skincare products. Using products that are surviving beyond their expiration date may do more harm than good, and dirty makeup brushes can irritate your skin.

Once you’re ready to replenish your stock, come by and see one of our talented estheticians who can recommend the perfect skincare products for your needs.

2. Exfoliate your skin

As we ease out of winter, our skin is usually dryer than normal, so using a good exfoliator leading into spring is essential in removing the dead skin cells and for promoting new cell generation.

Try Image’s Ageless Total Resurfacing Masque, it revitalizes your skin encourage cell renewal, enhancing skin tone and texture. If you’d rather come in and entrust your flaky skin in the hands of professionals, this is the ideal time to treat yourself to a Microdermabrasion treatment.

3. Stay hydrated

Staying properly hydrated is a great way to refresh your body, as it helps to flush out unwanted toxins. Fewer toxins in the body can encourage clearer skin and, combined with a good quality moisturizer, your skin is bound to be glowing! Try adding a few cucumber slices to your water and sip throughout the day. The combo is refreshing, delicious and full of antioxidants!

4. Reach for something lighter

The warmer weather means that it’s time to switch to a lighter face cream in order to keep your skin hydrated. Thicker creams in hot weather tend to cause an overproduction of natural oils, which can lead to clogged pores, blemishes and a shiny complexion. Extra points if that moisturizer has an SPF of 30 or higher, like Image’s Prevention Plus oil-free Daily Matte Moisturizer SPF 32.

5. Add a layer of protection

Winter is a great time to encourage your skin to repair itself. During the spring and summer months, your skincare routine should shift from repairing to prevention. As a general rule, if there’s daylight out, you need sunscreen! We love Image’s Prevention Plus line of SPFs, which offers four different levels of SPF, as well as a tinted or matte moisturizer with SPF option, so you can customize the SPF to your specific needs.