

$180 – Dermaplane
$200 – Dermaplane/Facial Combo

Dermaplaning is a fancy word for shaving off the top layer of your face with a scalpel. Oh! Don’t click away just yet- it is not as scary as it sounds.

It’s a safe and effective physical exfoliation procedure. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the skin’s surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz). The procedure can be performed monthly, in less than thirty minutes, with no downtime post-treatment.

What should I expect during my service?2021-10-19T03:20:02-06:00

Dermaplaning is a painless treatment that includes deep cleansing, professional exfoliation in the form of dermaplaning followed by restorative treatment and finished with skin care suited to your unique skin. Dermaplaning has a similar sensation to a close shave which removes vellus hair and dead skin cells simultaneously.

Will my peach fuzz grow back thicker?2021-10-19T03:18:35-06:00

No, the light vellus hair that you may have on your face will grow back the same size, shape and color. If you have a few courser, darker hairs, they will come back the same way.

Who is a good candidate for dermaplaning?2021-10-19T03:17:53-06:00

Dermaplaning is suitable for all ages. While most skin types can benefit from the treatment, our estheticians do not recommended dermaplaning for acneic skin.

How often should I get dermaplaning done?2021-10-18T05:03:34-06:00

For the best results, once a month or every 4 weeks is recommended. Continued monthly treatments will visibly reduce scarring, fine lines and pigmentation; however, vellus hair may grow back slower after each treatment. You may not notice enough hair growth to return in 4 weeks. Schedule a dermaplaning whenever your vellus hair length is driving you crazy!

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

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