• dysport

Dysport Guide: All Your Questions Answered


Dysport/Botox have become dirty little secrets, with everyone doing it but no one talking about it (trust us on this!) So what gives? What is it about injections that make them seem like a treatment to be kept hidden? We don't believe in being ashamed of doing a treatment that has the ability to make [...]

Dysport Guide: All Your Questions Answered2024-01-01T09:13:13-07:00

Dysport vs. Botox: What’s The Difference?


Sure, you've heard about Botox before, but do you know about it's cheaper and longer lasting alternative, Dysport (pronounced diss-port)?  Although they are both medications injected into the muscle to target fine lines and wrinkles, there are certainly some differences between them you may not be aware of. Like two different brands of cereals, they both [...]

Dysport vs. Botox: What’s The Difference?2019-05-30T20:17:43-06:00
  • dermal fillers

Dermal Fillers


The smooth texture and rounded contours of a youthful face are due to healthy levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, well-distributed facial fat, and plenty of elastin. Faces take on an aged appearance as collagen and elastin concentrations are depleted, leading to less elastic skin and wrinkles. Collagen and fat loss [...]

Dermal Fillers2018-09-01T12:05:57-06:00

Eye Care 101: How to Care for Skin Around The Eyes


Skin around the eyes is the thinnest skin anywhere on your body. As such, it is the first place to show signs of aging. But not to worry- we are here to share with you a few professional tips to help you conceal the evidence, depending on which particular eye skin problem you are currently facing! [...]

Eye Care 101: How to Care for Skin Around The Eyes2016-10-17T10:54:31-06:00

Dysport Injections: Say Goodbye to Frown Lines


Sure, you've heard about Botox, but do you know about Dysport? Worry not, we're here to tell you exactly what Dysport is, and how it differs from the popular and well-known Botox injections. So what exactly is Dysport?  Dysport is an injectable treatment for wrinkles made out of the botulinum toxin type A neurotoxin. Is [...]

Dysport Injections: Say Goodbye to Frown Lines2016-10-17T10:54:51-06:00

Face Off! Treat Those Frown Lines


Laugh lines, wrinkles, creases... whatever you call them, we all get them. No matter how persistent we are with our sunscreen, antioxidants, and exfoliants, there comes a point in the life span of our skin that these lines are bound to develop. One very common misconception is that these lines only form on older adults, [...]

Face Off! Treat Those Frown Lines2013-04-29T17:13:28-06:00
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